Welcome to the Central Computing Facility of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad.
The HPC Facility (SURYA) has 16 CPU (640 cores) compute node clusters and 4 GPU (160 cores with 2x4 Nvidia Tesla-V100 having 40,960 CUDA core) node clusters along with 8.5TB of RAM.
The BigData Facility (DHYAN) has 20 CPU (800 cores) data node clusters with 8TB of RAM and ~250 TB of HDFS Storage.
HPC and BigData Facility usage General Parallel File System (GPFS) for storage (~450TB) connected via Mellanox 56Gb/s passive copper cables (15 GBps throughput) based on DDN GRIDScaler Storage.
Cloud Facility has 6 cloud nodes (240 cores), 2.3TB of RAM with 150TB of storage.
The CCF facility has 100 Gbps inter-connectivity, 10 Gbps external-connectivity and 2x100KVA UPS backup.
Three additional servers has been set up for Virtual Machine - HP DL580 has 4 socket 96 core and Nvidia Tesla-M60 GM204GL 8GBX2 with 30TB of storage and 512GB of RAM.HP DL380 has 2 socket 12 core and Nvidia Quadro M6000 GM200GL 24GBx2 with 4TB of storage and 128GB of RAM and TYRONE having 20 core 40 threads,4x computational GPUs,10000 CUDA cores,3rd Gen Tensore cores and Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti (24GBx4) with 2TB storage.